installation view of easy come easy go

Lisa Weber, Videostill "easy come easy go"

Lisa Weber, Videostill "easy come easy go"

Lisa Weber, Videostill "easy come easy go"

Lisa Weber, Videostill "easy come easy go"

Lisa Weber, Videostill "easy come easy go"

Lisa Weber, Videostill "easy come easy go"
video stills of easy come easy go

dokumentation with video excerpt of easy come easy go

easy come easy go, hd video, 2:56 min, 2014

In the beginning of the video one sees nothing else as a blue color surface. First during small white traces of clouds start
to draw, the viewer is able to register the sky in front of his eyes. Within short time a nearly perfect cumulos cloud is developing
in front of our eyes. Nevertheless, their appearance remains brief, determined by chance and law at the same time.